First Time Driving: Ashlee

One of our favorite YouTube genres is people’s first time driving.  Those videos are the best place to see people nervous to their bones taking charge of an incredible machine for the first time. This genre usually splits into two categories: the laughers and the screamers. You can easily figure out what each category means.

Today’s driver is Ashlee, a girl who just got her learner’s permit. Her proud parents thought that it’ll be a good idea to film her while she takes her first turn at the wheel. If you want some spoilers, she is in the laughers category.

Watch Ashlee’s First Time Driving

Luckily for her, she lives in a rural area with practically zero cars on the road. This is very helpful for a first time driver, and really reduces stress. Ashlee’s parents knew where to take her driving.

Putting her nerves aside, this was a pretty good drive. If she proved to be as good on city roads, the driving test would probably be easier for her than others.

This video is from last April, so our guess is that Ashlee is already a licensed driver. Ashlee, if you’re reading this, please let everyone know in the comments below.

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