Driving Test Advice for Students – Important Things to Practice & Learn in Order to Prepare

The driving test is only as difficult or easy as you make it out to be. As long as you remain positive, you will able to feel more confident. Even if you make mistakes during your practice driving sessions, you can still remain positive. All you have to do is understand where you went wrong so that you can make improvements. A good instructor will help you analyze what you need to work more on in order to become a better driver.

One of the first things you need to do if you haven’t already, is to know how to use everything on the dashboard. This includes the windshield wipers, lights, mirrors, indicators, and so forth. You can be sure that the test examiner who is in the car with you on test day will watch how you use the controls and instruments. Demonstrate that you know what everything is for.

Although it seems like common sense, you need to know how to actually start and stop the vehicle. When starting, don’t just rely on the mirrors. Turn around and check your blind spot as well. You never know when a small child or animal might be behind you. You might not be able to see them if you simply check the mirrors.

Know how and when to stop the vehicle as well. Plan out practice sessions in advance. Go drive around different roads in your area. Practice on routes with Stop signs, YIELD signs, intersections, and so forth. While you’re at it, practice stopping the car beside a curb, in a driveway, parking space, etc. Learn how to pull it in to any parking spot safely.

More Beneficial Driving Test Advice

Another thing you’ll need to learn is driving in reverse. Your instructor will help you determine when you are ready. You’ll need to first get a lot of steering practice in. Whenever you attempt to drive in reverse, do so in an empty area where there are no other vehicles or hazards.

You can practice driving without actually being behind the wheel. The next time you’re a passenger in a car, observe the driver’s movements. How do they hold the wheel? When approaching STOP signs or an intersection, at which point do they start to slow down? When do they use the signal lights? You should also get into the practice of observing the traffic around you. Learn how to anticipate dangerous situations and what you can do to prevent them from happening.

Once again, try to maintain a positive mindset about becoming a good driver and passing the test. Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation.

In today’s world, you can obtain all of the information you need for passing your driver’s test on the internet. There are so many resources and tools to help you, and much of it is well put together. An online driving course will help you learn everything from parallel parking to defensive driving.

UK Driving Test: Part 1

Starting today, and for the next five weeks, we’re going to publish a video series of a UK driving test. These videos come from a company which teaches people how to drive, and we think it’s great. No, we’re not affiliated with them.

Each week we’ll post another video by them, so in the end you’ll have a full picture of the UK driving test and what you are expected to do when taking it.

Thank you for these videos, see you next week!

Cheating on the Driving Test – It Never Ends Well

Cheating on the driving test

Cheating on the driving test

When you take your theoretical driving test, make sure you answer all questions on your own. If you use aids such as a Bluetooth earpiece you could go to jail. That’s what happened to Zaid Sultan who passed his test recently, but was caught and sent to jail. Cheating on the driving test isn’t good for anyone.

Apparently, Zaid tried the driving test three times before but failed. In his fourth time he suddenly became a star student and passed with flying colors. This sudden improvement triggered an alert in the minds of examiners present in the area and they stopped him for questioning after he passed. There he gave them the earpiece and phone.

Consequences of Cheating on the Driving Test

Other than going to jail, passing a test by fraud means that that you’re not ready. The theory test measures how familiar you are with the rules of the road, and if you’re not, you should not be on the road. Period. Yes, many experienced drivers seem to forget some rules, but they have enough experience and instincts to cover that.

Besides possible damage to the cheater, cheating compromises the reliability of the test. Licensing authorities are a monopoly, and people need to trust the licenses they provide. If licenses are gained by fraud, they become worthless pieces of plastic.

Don’t endanger others and yourself. Don’t be dishonest. Don’t cheat and drive.

British Driving Test is Facing Changes

A driver preparing for the British driving test

A driver preparing for the British driving test

Driving tests, much like schools, have not changed much since they were introduced. You still need to follow a series of directions, given by the instructor, and prove that you are not a risk. Even with the rigidity of government agencies, it seems like the British driving test is about to face some changes. One major change could be navigating using an application rather than by road signs.

In today’s world, many people follow directions from a satellite navigation system, such as Waze. These systems make navigation extremely easy and almost render road signs obsolete. Following road sings is an important skill, but it’s much more important to use any resource available to get to your destination. Testing drivers on their ability to use a navigation system prepares them to the real world.

More Changes to the British Driving Test

Other than satellite navigation, the new test has more planned changes. One of them is reversing into and out of parking bays instead of corners. This change sounds reasonable, since parking bays are much more common. Vehicle safety is another addition, and it’s always a good topic to emphasize. Too many people know how to move the car, but don’t know how to do so safely.

The major change for the self-driving part, besides the usage of satellite navigation, is the time. Until now, drivers had to drive on their own, using road signs, for ten minutes. When these changes take place, drivers will have to drive for 20 minutes on their own. Although they won’t have to follow road signs, driving for so long is a breeding ground for mistakes. Hopefully the scoring chart will change as well to reflect these changes.

All in all, it seems like these changes will be positive. UK drivers will probably be better prepared to real-world driving than others, which is always good news.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

First Time Driving: Ashlee

One of our favorite YouTube genres is people’s first time driving.  Those videos are the best place to see people nervous to their bones taking charge of an incredible machine for the first time. This genre usually splits into two categories: the laughers and the screamers. You can easily figure out what each category means.

Today’s driver is Ashlee, a girl who just got her learner’s permit. Her proud parents thought that it’ll be a good idea to film her while she takes her first turn at the wheel. If you want some spoilers, she is in the laughers category.

Watch Ashlee’s First Time Driving

Luckily for her, she lives in a rural area with practically zero cars on the road. This is very helpful for a first time driver, and really reduces stress. Ashlee’s parents knew where to take her driving.

Putting her nerves aside, this was a pretty good drive. If she proved to be as good on city roads, the driving test would probably be easier for her than others.

This video is from last April, so our guess is that Ashlee is already a licensed driver. Ashlee, if you’re reading this, please let everyone know in the comments below.

Crash Your DMV Test

Sometimes people can be very unlucky. It may be hard to believe, but not all driving tests go as planned. Sometimes you forget to signal, sometimes you miss a stop sign, and sometimes you crash into a pickup truck. Such experience during the DMV test is really unfortunate.

Apparently, the truck ran a yellow light, jumped the curb, flew in the air, and smashed several cars in the DMV parking lot. Seems like this woman was not the only unfortunate person in this incident. To end the article with some humor, the writer even specified that it’s not known whether or not the woman passed her test.

Handle Bad Luck in a Real DMV Test

Yes, bad things happen. That’s life. A driving test is quite short, so you will probably not have to worry so much about unfortunate events. However, you may (and probably) make mistakes, which means you need to handle yourself properly. When something of this kind happens, the first thing you need to do is calm down. Relax. Yes, you may have just failed the test, but you still need to return to the DMV in one piece.

Secondly, just continue the test like nothing happened. You never know what the examiner thinks. There are plenty of stories of people who made mistakes, thought their license was gone, and yet managed to pass. Most examiners will never disclose the test result before the test ends, so you may still have a chance.

Unless you crash into a truck. Don’t do that.

Our Guides, Discounted

our guides are on sale

If you considered getting our guides but decided to avoid it right now, you might want to reconsider. Starting today, and for a week only, Pass Your Driving Test in paperback version and Pass Your Permit Test in Kindle version are now available for a discount.

The Kindle version now runs a countdown deal, which means its price is the lowest right now (February 5th), and will rise every 40 hours. The paperback version is offered for 20% less for the entire week. One week from now, on February 12, prices will go back to normal, and will probably stay there for a long, long time.

Why Offer Discounts on Our Guides?

We think that it’s good to offer discounts from time to time. Just like big stores provide discounts during special times (such as holidays,) we like to do it too. For example, the very first version of Pass Your Driving Test was published on February 2008. Yes, nine years ago. Sounds pretty impressive

Additionally, we would like to offer a chance to give back to loyal followers of this website. Yes, it’s very young, but sometimes you just have to be lucky enough to find something when it’s new. If you know someone who will benefit from this discount, feel free to share this.

How to Get Your Discounts?

It’s super-easy. If you want the Kindle version, follow this link and just enjoy the discount price. If you want the paperback version, use this link, which leads to CreateSpace. There, on the checkout page, use the code UZLXV2TZ. It won’t work on Amazon, so make sure you order from the right website.

Get these discounts while they last. After that, they’re gone!

Student Driving Tips – What You Should Know to Do and Not Do in Order to Pass

When taking a driving exam, there are many mistakes that you can make if you’re not prepared. Most of the people who fail make the same mistakes, and a few student driving tips could easily prevent that. Knowing which mistakes to avoid and getting enough driving practice are essential if you want to pass.

Here is a list of things you must do in order to pass your upcoming road test.

  • While you must demonstrate that you feel confident behind the wheel, you shouldn’t be overly confident to the point where you come off as lazy. You must continue following the rules of the road and keeping an eye out for potential hazards as you are driving.
  • Always know when it’s your turn to go and when to give the right away to others. Remember to come to a complete stop at red lights, when approaching an intersection, and at a STOP sign. Making a wrong turn or going when you are not supposed to will not only cause you to fail, it could also cause you or someone else to get hurt.
  • Always change lanes at the appropriate times. Remember to check your blind spot and mirrors. Give the proper signal before you begin to change lanes. Keep an eye out for traffic in front of you as well. Forgetting to do any of these steps is why many people fail.
  • Unless they are speeding, stay about two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you at all times. Do this even if they are going very slow and there is no way to legally pass them. You never know when they might stop all of a sudden.
  • Always stay as close to the speed limit as possible. Pay close attention to areas where the speed limit is reduced. These areas include roads where construction is being done, school zones, bus stops, etc. Sometimes you won’t have any choice but to go slowly, such as when you are driving in poor weather conditions. The most important thing to do on the day of the test is to stay as close to the speed limit as safely possible.
  • Know what all of the controls and instruments are for and when to use them. This might seem obvious, but many students really don’t learn the ins and outs of the vehicle. Don’t take the test until you do.

What to Do With These Student Driving Tips

Keep these guidelines in mind and try not to make the mistakes that are so common with student drivers. If you really want to pass, you need to make sure you know all of the rules and when to apply them.

There is so much more helpful information online that will help you learn how to drive. With the right driving guide, you can easily prepare for your road exam. Check out some online resources for student drivers.

Pass Your Driving Test – UK Tips

If you entered this website, you probably want to pass your driving test. It doesn’t matter if you live in the United States or the United Kingdom, getting a license is now one of your top priorities. While this website contains plenty of information and references to that information, it doesn’t cover everything.

When that happens, it’s often wise to use other people’s knowledge. Today we introduce Alex, a British Automotive YouTuber. Alex created a video about the British driving test, and he gives some great advice for student drivers.

How to Pass Your Driving Test the First Time – UK Tips and Tricks

We thank Alex for this great video, and remind you that if you want to pass your driving test you can always try our suggestions. We promise that it can only benefit you.